Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Yes, I did read the book. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

While on the whole I enjoyed the book, some parts felt as if they were out of place. The Epilogue? Merely for fanfic, which I don’t read. What happened to Luna? Dean? Seamus? etc. I did like the name Albus Severus, but not James or Lily. I mean, as much as Harry loved his parents, he never really knew them. His kids are the only James and Lily that he ever knew. I actually liked the names Rose and Hugo, however random they are.

GINNY? WHERE WERE YOU? I wanted Ginny to be a bigger part, more of a tempt for Harry to stay at the burrow. I didn’t want her to be the fourth in the trio, or even know about horcruxes, but Harry really didn’t think about her much.

I very much enjoyed the hallows, and how Harry was a stronger man than Dumbledore. (in that way) Xeno Lovegood made me cry. So sad. I know a lot of people must not like him, but I think that scene shows people under that much pressure.

I really was looking forward to Pottercast, but where is it? I wanted to know what Melissa, Sue and John think of DH, but only TWO POTTERCASTS!!!

I really liked R/Hr in this book. Jo did it just right. The kiss? Ahh… If you missed it, it’s on page 625. Very quick, and I liked how it was Harry who interupted it instead of Ron.

Lupin. Tonks. DEAD! They were my favorite characters, and I can’t believe that she killed them. Come on, Jo! All four marauders dead is SOO cliche. Plus, what about poor Teddy.

Signing off Potterwatch, the password next week is END.

One thought on “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

  1. Oh my goodness, you know I totally missed the Hermione/Ron kiss. Read right over it and a few pages later I was like… wait? Did something just happen here? I went back and there it was. It was rather comical actually.

    I agree on Ginny too. I really think she should have been in this book more.

    But you know, overall the book was so different from what I thought it would be that I can’t really say much about it other than I loved it; and really I’m glad that I couldn’t guess everything that was going to happen. That made it more rewarding as a reader. Although believe me, I tried to figure it out 😀

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